Health Or Wealth

Zeeshan Ali
2 min readFeb 20, 2021

Good health is the key to active and enjoyable life. Being healthy and fit enables you to do work and enjoy the moments of life actively and happily. When you are healthy, your mind evokes you to do work and at that time you will do the work at it best.

In 1860,American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: The first wealth is health.

Indeed, health is more crucial then wealth. If you are healthy then you can earn money but if you are ill then you can’t earn money and also your money can’t buy you health. Money can buy you medicines but not good health as money can buy you books not knowledge. Many rich people in the world such as Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Micheal Jackson earned immensely in their life but all of them died because of health issues. They can’t able to buy their health with money.

Health isn’t everything, but without it, everything else is nothing.

Always remember one thing that when you are running for money don’t forget to take care of your health. This is a well known fact that you can’t enjoy your success without your health.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

However, health is not a comparable thing and will always be a necessity in life. Being healthy is a great blessing. We have to set a goal in life to be fit and healthy, so we can enjoy the moments of life happily.

Due to the greater importance of health, many countries spend most of their money on health care services. The U.S. spent nearly 17 percent of its GDP on health care services. Switzerland and Germany followed the U.S. with distinctly smaller percentages.

Health and wealth are the two sides of coin, but if we compare these two, the clear winner would be health.



Zeeshan Ali

Zeeshan is a freelance writer and enthusiast. He is sharing noteworthy things here with his writing skills.